**Long Distance Relationships**
Elliot Yamin “wait for you”
Long distance relationships are never as easy or hard as many people make them seem. Especially for those who are involved in them. Before we begin to talk about the logistics of a long distance relationship, let talk about what constitutes as a long distance relationship? Many people are under the impression that a long distance relationship is two people being in great distance apart, like state to state or hundreds of miles apart. Which in my opinion that is partly true, but I would define a long distant relationship with a simple definition: one relationship, two different places.
So do they last...? Maybe, with the anticipation that the distance is only a temporary ordeal, but generally they tend to drift apart after a substantially amount of time. The problem comes, with the understanding that it is so hard to believe what you cant see, emotions will began to out weight feelings- meaning that the emptiness that you feel after having a bad day & the only thing you want to do is snuggle under the body of the one that holds your heart. It something about his/her scent, body heat, the pitch of their voice & heartbeat that will erase all bad memories of the day from your mind. Or the loneliness you feel when you are at a social or family gathering and everyone is in company of their loves & due to whatever circumstances yours was unable to make it. Or the disappointment is a meeting is cancelled because at this point, any second spent together is worth hours of joy, because it becomes rare. All three emptiness, loneliness, & disappoint are all emotions that one feels, and with enough pressure, will actually start to affect the feelings (Love) that you think you have. And of course this happens because one person is always going to appear to be more comfortable the arrangement then the next. Now, this may not true, but when one person in the relationship is more vocal or has a more physical effect from being away from their partner, they tend to take the distance more difficult. And again distance doesn't always mean being miles & miles apart, but when there are factors that interrupt physical connection of a couple, is a long distance relationship. For example, living two cities apart, which may only calculate up to 30-40 minutes away- would you consider this long distance? The answer is yes! This may very well be a long distance relationship, although the distance isn’t as great as it could be, there could be major factors that interrupt or forbid the couple from having that interaction with one another. Again in my opinion, the hardest types of long distance relationships are the ones that are the closest in distance, because the distance doesn’t speak the title.
So, if there are so many negative factors in a long distance why do couples either engage in one knowingly or develop into one? Simple, because we live off of feelings, so when u love someone you are determine to do what you can to make it work. And I must add. There are many people who actually look at their long distance relationship as being a positive element of their relationship.
-Nanny Williams “I am n the longest restricted relationship ever it's hard but it's teaching me patience n its making our love 10x more stronger, it's worth it all n the end to have a real thing btwn two ppl.”
And not to mention all of the new technology that has been developed to help the couples deal skype, facebook, picture mail and red eye flights. I’m actually waiting for the day virtual 3d imagining comes into existence, so that you have see your honey right there in the middle of the room.
According to some couples, the distance between them have actually brought them closer. I can see that. Because if your relationship can withstand the strict reliance on trust alone, then in the end it can withstand ANYTHING. Makes for a solid relationship also. So, can you handle a long distance relationship?
Monday, November 22, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
~~team work~~
I first want to start off by apologizing to all of my frequent readers for not being able to post anything for the last couple days. I have been swamped with things to do. I have been so busy with things to do, I just realized only about ¼ of what Im doing is actually beneficially to myself. Its okay! I have stated before and will continue to say, “I do what I love and what I love is helping others” Even when I know im involving myself in something that would probably not be mutual if the roles were reversed I still give my all. In the end I know God, recognizes everything I do, and even if he is the only person who recognizes that my efforts, actions and abilities are always done unselfishly. I know he will reward me & has already begun to do so. THANK YOU JESUS…..
So, while im here sitting at my I was going through some of my emails, and one of the things that I receive on a weekly bases is Goldstar ticket discounts, which are so fabulous, the prices are terrific. Well, this week they have the comedian DeeRay at the improve in Ontario. Now, the last time I went to see him, I loved it. So naturally I was tempted to purchase tickets, BUT then, who in the world am I going to take. I guess Im just at that point in my life were im not too dependent on other people. Although, Im in a “unofficial-official relationship” we just haven’t gotten to that place right now. Im not a very active person who wants to be in & out of clubs and stuff of the sort, but one of my main infatuations with being in a relationship, was the idea of doing “couple things” I guess the idea of adding someone you love to the things you already love to do, seems like a dream. I know as a woman, because we already have this idea in our mind, it is so much easier for us to tag along when requested onto events that we could either careless about or never was interested in, but our male wants us apart of & we do it just so he is able to enjoy himself. But it always seem harder to get a man to do the same, maybe in the beginning when he is trying to impress, but after that….ha!! yeah right! It gets to the point were you would rather not even ask.
Just a suggestion for men: Its okay not to enjoy the things that your lady ask you to tag along to, trust me, 9 times out of 10, she already know you wont, but the representation of you being there speaks loud and clear. You should want to support her hobbies and likes as well. Im sure not all of her request are just so outrageous that you wouldn’t survive through it or just flat out would rather die. Ill continue to say this as well, Sacrifice is a MAJOR part of a relationship. You will always be faced in a relationship with something that you just don’t want to do, but should you do it? Not all the time, but yes you should be willing to take one for the team, because after all you two should be a team. Another strong suggestion, invite to take her to do something you know she enjoys. She would be so appreciative of your efforts. Some of those things would include, maybe taking her to see that so called “chick flick”, join her on a friendly social with other couples whom u don’t even share as mutual friends. Trust me on this next one….but little sentimental things are better: love letters, song dedications, setting a date night once a week on the same day, walks under the stars, late night conversations about the future, beautiful poems or love quotes. All of which may sound cheesy to you, but they will keep your woman happy and feeling like you are in-tune to her. There is nothing more a woman would absolutely love, then feeling like she has the most wonderful man in the whole world. Like she is nothing less than beautiful to him. The thing is, a woman has already provisioned in her head the things that will sweep her off her feet, so if you want to impress her, & truly make her feel loved, you have to do those things, & if you want to WOW her, you have to do something she hasn’t already vision in her head. & if she is a fairytale dreamer like myself. Its not going to cost you much at all, but time….Man, I think I just wrapped my whole heart into this post. Lol felt good to get that out.
So, while im here sitting at my I was going through some of my emails, and one of the things that I receive on a weekly bases is Goldstar ticket discounts, which are so fabulous, the prices are terrific. Well, this week they have the comedian DeeRay at the improve in Ontario. Now, the last time I went to see him, I loved it. So naturally I was tempted to purchase tickets, BUT then, who in the world am I going to take. I guess Im just at that point in my life were im not too dependent on other people. Although, Im in a “unofficial-official relationship” we just haven’t gotten to that place right now. Im not a very active person who wants to be in & out of clubs and stuff of the sort, but one of my main infatuations with being in a relationship, was the idea of doing “couple things” I guess the idea of adding someone you love to the things you already love to do, seems like a dream. I know as a woman, because we already have this idea in our mind, it is so much easier for us to tag along when requested onto events that we could either careless about or never was interested in, but our male wants us apart of & we do it just so he is able to enjoy himself. But it always seem harder to get a man to do the same, maybe in the beginning when he is trying to impress, but after that….ha!! yeah right! It gets to the point were you would rather not even ask.
Just a suggestion for men: Its okay not to enjoy the things that your lady ask you to tag along to, trust me, 9 times out of 10, she already know you wont, but the representation of you being there speaks loud and clear. You should want to support her hobbies and likes as well. Im sure not all of her request are just so outrageous that you wouldn’t survive through it or just flat out would rather die. Ill continue to say this as well, Sacrifice is a MAJOR part of a relationship. You will always be faced in a relationship with something that you just don’t want to do, but should you do it? Not all the time, but yes you should be willing to take one for the team, because after all you two should be a team. Another strong suggestion, invite to take her to do something you know she enjoys. She would be so appreciative of your efforts. Some of those things would include, maybe taking her to see that so called “chick flick”, join her on a friendly social with other couples whom u don’t even share as mutual friends. Trust me on this next one….but little sentimental things are better: love letters, song dedications, setting a date night once a week on the same day, walks under the stars, late night conversations about the future, beautiful poems or love quotes. All of which may sound cheesy to you, but they will keep your woman happy and feeling like you are in-tune to her. There is nothing more a woman would absolutely love, then feeling like she has the most wonderful man in the whole world. Like she is nothing less than beautiful to him. The thing is, a woman has already provisioned in her head the things that will sweep her off her feet, so if you want to impress her, & truly make her feel loved, you have to do those things, & if you want to WOW her, you have to do something she hasn’t already vision in her head. & if she is a fairytale dreamer like myself. Its not going to cost you much at all, but time….Man, I think I just wrapped my whole heart into this post. Lol felt good to get that out.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Have you ever laid across your sofa, bed or the grass in your front lawn and recalled all the memories that were the most special times in your life. Or have you ever gotten with a group of old friends and together recalled some very memorable times you all have shared together. Gosh!!! It makes for a great mood boost. Try it……
I Remember, I Remember
(Thomas Hood)
I remember, I remember,
The house where I was born,
The little window where the sun
Came peeping in at morn;
He never came a wink too soon,
Nor brought too long a day,
But now, I often wish the night
Had borne my breath away!
I remember, I remember,
The roses, red and white,
The vi'lets, and the lily-cups,
Those flowers made of light!
The lilacs where the robin built,
And where my brother set
The laburnum on his birthday,-
The tree is living yet!
I remember, I remember,
Where I was used to swing,
And thought the air must rush as fresh
To swallows on the wing;
My spirit flew in feathers then,
That is so heavy now,
And summer pools could hardly cool
The fever on my brow!
I remember, I remember,
The fir trees dark and high;
I used to think their slender tops
Were close against the sky:
It was a childish ignorance,
But now 'tis little joy
To know I'm farther off from heaven
Than when I was a boy.
Old Things are More Beautiful
(Clay Harrison)
Old things are more beautifulthan many things brand newBecause they bring fond memoriesof things we used to do.
Old photographs in albums,love letters tied with laceRecapture those old feelingsthat new ones can't replace.
Baby shoes, a Teddy bear,a ring that grandma wore,Are treasures waiting there behinda door marked "Nevermore".
Old things are more beautiful,more precious day-by-day.Because they are the flowerswe planted yesterday.
I Remember, I Remember
(Thomas Hood)
I remember, I remember,
The house where I was born,
The little window where the sun
Came peeping in at morn;
He never came a wink too soon,
Nor brought too long a day,
But now, I often wish the night
Had borne my breath away!
I remember, I remember,
The roses, red and white,
The vi'lets, and the lily-cups,
Those flowers made of light!
The lilacs where the robin built,
And where my brother set
The laburnum on his birthday,-
The tree is living yet!
I remember, I remember,
Where I was used to swing,
And thought the air must rush as fresh
To swallows on the wing;
My spirit flew in feathers then,
That is so heavy now,
And summer pools could hardly cool
The fever on my brow!
I remember, I remember,
The fir trees dark and high;
I used to think their slender tops
Were close against the sky:
It was a childish ignorance,
But now 'tis little joy
To know I'm farther off from heaven
Than when I was a boy.
Old Things are More Beautiful
(Clay Harrison)
Old things are more beautifulthan many things brand newBecause they bring fond memoriesof things we used to do.
Old photographs in albums,love letters tied with laceRecapture those old feelingsthat new ones can't replace.
Baby shoes, a Teddy bear,a ring that grandma wore,Are treasures waiting there behinda door marked "Nevermore".
Old things are more beautiful,more precious day-by-day.Because they are the flowerswe planted yesterday.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Rest In Peace Andre

Today marks 2 years that the death of a beautiful person came at a shock to everyone who loved him. On November 1, 2008 at 3am a friend of mine was viscously attacked by some so called friends who set him up. Man!!! If we only knew then what we know now! You would still be with us today! Andre my love, you were entirely too young to have left us. 21 years old, you were still in your prime. Man, now that I think back on it. Today actually makes 3 years from the day we meet. That’s so crazy, I seen you for the first time October 31, 2007 while entering the club & you introduced yourself November 1, 2007 while being the kind gentleman that you were. Although you were working ( being a smooth club bouncer with swag, lol such a flirt u were lol) you took time to walk me and my girls to the car and be our personal body guards from that day forward. SMH, its so sad how the world works today! Man, me and Tiana reminder you with so many great memories, all of which u had us always smiling and laughing. Although our encounter was short, you will forever be remembered in our hearts. You were so talented and we knew u were bound to be a headline sooner or later, and you were, but at the expensive of your life. I hope your in heaven, shining like the star you were destine to be here on earth. Love you Andre. Miss u
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