Saturday, January 2, 2010

What matters the most

So, I have been here at my apt ALL break long had a lot to think about with this well needed time alone. I was really reflecting back on the things I want. When you have a chance to really put into prospective the things you want, your really become proud of yourself. I was sitting back thinking about the things that make me happy. & i came to realize, im kind of a simple yet difficult person. But bottom line is i just want to be happy. I think there is nothing like having creative and new things in your life. Im not one to ask for much from others, But its the simple things that matter to me. I prefer a handwritten letter or a email. A flower picked out of someones yard, then a dozen of roses bought at a store. A call from a friend to check on me. A poem to say your thinking about me. Taking a walk & conversation. One thing, i dont think people understand is the value of money, the true value money. When it comes to showing someone you care about them or love them: The value of money is worthless. Creativity comes from the heart. and showing someone how you feel with a new creative approach, you are setting yourself aside from the rest. I can recall some dreams i have had in the past. In those dreams i found myself in love with someone, and having them do some of the most creative things to show me how they feel. Sometimes I think to myself "Man why do i have to think of all this stuff, im not even giving MR RIGHT a" hahaha Its so funny how our mind works. You get to a point if your not careful you will let fairytale images consume your thoughts..And im 110% sure I do that 80% of the

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