Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Tonight is a rather difficult night of preparing. I say this because tomorrow morning I will be sitting in the courtroom with the very person who so selflessly took the life of one of my dear friends. It's been just slightly over a year and the thought of her murder still hunts me. I try to keep only positive memories a float in my head. Causing me to shed several tears at the thought that those are the only memories I will EVER be left with. I have pondered in my head all day.
How am I gonna feel once I lay my eyes on him?
What emotions will fill my heart?

I pray that GOD would release any emotions of hate that might be swarming to unleash tomorrow! Because ultimately it is not I, her mom, family or even her precious son who he will finally answer to. NO!!! It is larger than that! Not even the Riverside county court judge will be that powerful. It will be the greatest, grandest & most superior judge that will be waiting patiently for that trial. And he will have to account for everything.
Preparing for this has not been easy! I have really replayed or shall I say pre- predicted the timeline.

So all I can do tonight! Is PRAY! Pray GOD holds the entire world as we all who loves her prepare ourselves. Pray there is no ounce of hater being cooked up! Pray God comforts & consoles each and every heart.

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