Saturday, January 23, 2010

I dont know if my heart is filled with a little anger right now. or just filled with hurt. But all i know is my tears are a product of whatever it is that im feeling..I just dont understand..Its a unknown thing to me. Lord knows i only have great intentions for anything i put my finger on. Hurting someone is last on my list. So why is it that I just continue to get hurt. I just dont understand. I just dont ever seem to be enough. I have fought a battle of trying make a father love me as his only daughter. I cant even succeed at doing that. Someone who is meant to love you no matter what the situation is. No matter what you do, your father is suppose to love you with no restraints. That is where you built the foundation of how you allow another man to treat you. I just dont get it...My heart is in so much hurt. And thru it all I still am so determine to be a good person, all the way from the bottom of my heart. I would never look to purposely hurt anyone. but in return all i get is the opposite. Why is the world so so so so ugly. I have given my all to so many people that i have encounter, but i just continue to lose. The fact of the matter is that, I just continue to allow it to happen, but the purity of my heart wont allow myself to stop it from happen....I dont get it

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